Reference: http://thriftyjinxy.blogspot.com/2008_04_24_archive.html
I can't find a good photo of it (I really should just take pictures of everything I buy and/or eat), but Wendy's has a new spicy chicken sandwich on the Super Value Menu and I want to tell you about it.
The sandwich is about a dollar (it's so new, it's not even on the menu at our local place) and, as I've found with dollar chicken sandwiches, it's not giving you a lot of meat. Actually, that could be said of all value sandwiches, beef, chicken or otherwise.
I will say, however, that this is a satisfyingly spicy and decent chicken sandwich for the money. The spice is a bit different from what you get on their full-size spicy chicken -- this is supposed to be a Buffalo chicken spice whereas the other one is mainly just a pepper spice, it seems -- but it's still got some zing, which makes it preferable to the regular dollar-menu chicken sandwich offerings at Wendy's and elsewhere.
Here's the one unknown and the sector of the market I think Wendy's was aiming at when it made this: The KFC Snacker. For a dollar, KFC offers an Original Recipe or Buffalo-flavored mini chicken sandwich. Obviously, KFC knows how to do fried chicken, but from what I've seen, these sandwiches are little more than a chicken strip, some lettuce and mayo on a mini hoagie bun. So while I'm willing to bet their chicken is higher quality, I don't know how much of it you get compared to the Wendy's entry.
The one bad thing about watching so much playoff hockey is that we have seen the same handful of commercials roughly 450 times each. If I see those mangy kids say, "Nice save, Mom!" after she gets an Enterprise Rent-A-Car I may punch one of my nuts off. The only time we get relief is if we DVR the game and skip over this bs or if we sit at the Tavern and watch the games without sound. Actually watching the games without sound doesn't help much when the annoying banter is already burned into your head and Bressler sits next to you and sings the jingle from the Dockers San Francisco commercial.
Since we can't escape it we might as well have an open and honest discussion about what good and bad as far as some selected ads on the NHL on Versus.
Take this on especially rainy days.
Actor Douglass Watson, who played Mac Cory on Another World, would have been 86 years old today if he were still alive. He died in 1989. Incredible to think of him as so old! I used to watch Another World after school and wrote about it here. A photo of Watson toasting the audience was the last scene of the final episode of the show in 1999. (You can view the final scene in my previous blog.) Here's a clip from Victoria Wyndham's 25th anniversary show that aired in 1997. An extended look back at several dramatic scenes between Mac (Watson) and Rachel (Wyndham) begins at the 1:53 mark. Wow... memories.
As per some sort of unspoken rule, no fast food chain in Taiwan can have a menu without adding some sort of weird twist item. McDonald's ups the ante by featuring a 4 layer Big Mac, a double layered spicy McChicken, as well as a green tea flavored McFlurry. Burger King wasn't as adventurous, but even so... they added a honey mustard chicken burger. Pizza Hut? All they did was stuff hot dogs in their crust (review to come btw). Now, 7-11... that's a whole 'nother level of amazing. Finally, let's not leave out Mos Burger in the discussion of specialty fast food. Where else in the world can you get an octopus burger where there are actually visible chunks of tentacles in the patty? In any case, I don't normally go to KFC, but it was raining, and I was kind of forced into it (which I don't really regret btw). It was there... that I realized how KFC could change something plain into something sort of amazing.
I know that KFC in America has those small snacker sandwiches. They're, well... okay? They tend to be unsatisfying though, and nothing really new. Chicken strip inside of a small dinner roll drenched in BBQ sauce has been done already. What you see above is the Taiwanese variant of the snacker. If you're familiar with Japanese style donuts, that is... airy dough made with the addition of rice flour... which is then fried, then you probably have an idea of what this entails. Plain chicken strip (or hot dog) is stuffed inside a 'bun' made of Japanese donut bread. Then instead of sauce, they use Kewpie mayo. That's pretty much it. Instead of dismissing the idea right away, consider the fact that this is a fried chicken cutlet (or processed stick of meat) stuck inside more fried bread. That's a lot of frying... awesome. They cost 39 NT a piece ($1.10 or so), which was their sale price... down from 45 NT, so they are essentially equivalent to the snackers in the US. They taste as you would expect. Somewhat oily, but incredibly satisfying. The one negative though? They're tiny as hell, roughly the size of an iPhone. That said, I never went back to have it a second time, not because I didn't like it, just because there were so many better things to eat at similar cost. Still, I thought something like this deserved its own post... so yeah.
Yes that picture above is my hand, and no I do possess the hands of a carny (neither oversized nor petite). This is purely for size comparison lol.